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At last I have finished the Men of Honor review. It should have been done a week ago but I'm in the midst of a lost of personal stuff. So click here to read the review.…
In 1962 MGM released a movie based on the true story of Helen Keller called The Miracle Worker. Two Oscars were won for Best Actress (Anne Bancroft) and Best Supporting Actress (Patty Duke). I have be…
I have been receiving some e-mails as of late asking what these mysterious Easter Eggs I keep referring to really are. Well, an Easter Egg is a hidden feature somewhere on the DVD. It's something tha…
At long last I have finished the Cleopatra: SE DVD review.To see what thought of this spectacular disc click here…
I received another DVD from 20th Century Fox today - Men of Honor: SE. I'm almost done reviewing the Cleopatra: SE DVD it took a couple of days just to watch the movie, which spans 2 discs, and now I…
I have just posted Csaba's review of The Ghost and the Darkness DVD. Click here to check it out.…
Information has turned up about the much anticipated DVD release of Star Wars Ep1: The Phantom Menace. Corona Productions has the scoop. Click here to check it out.…
Win a DVD courtesy of us by entering our contest. We are giving away a Charlie's Angels DVD for our first contest. All e-mails will be kept confidential. Only the winner will be contacted.…
I received a very special package today from 20th Century Fox. They sent me a "Five Star Collection" DVD to review. The much anticipated 'Cleopatra' 3-Disc Set. This movie won 5 Academy Awards! in 196…

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