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Judgement Day has happened. John Connor has survived. Skynet continue to evolve. The official Terminator Salvation trailer has arrived a few days earlier than planned thanks to a leaked YouTube versio…
"Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon... what have you got left?"Hopefully battery power so you can catch ghosts when Ghostbusters The Video Game slides into your console hits next summer. Check out the awe…
Mickey Rourke has revitalized his career in a big way with some awesome performances, but from what I've been reading is that he carries The Wrestler and is the front runner for Best Actor at the Osca…
When I screened Tropic Thunder at Comic-Con earlier this year I had no idea when the lights went out that I'd be seeing a commercial and some trailers for fake movies. Of course these movies star the …
Wes Anderson's latest piece of magnificence comes to DVD on February 26 from Fox Home Entertainment. Check inside for all the details! Starring Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman and Academy Award winner…

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