I could have easily spent the whole night talking about his craft, especially after he peeekd my interest regarding the work they just finished up work on Avatar and Iron Man 2. Unfortunately, time was working against me as he was about to start packing up the T-600 I’m pictured with below.
During our talk he mentioned a few projects they’re working on. A few of them got me rather excited and even teased me about a few others that he couldn’t even mention further than saying we just got them.
Each film he mentioned was a comic book movie and each made me even more excited. As you may or may not know, Legacy Effects was formerly Stan Winston Studios, which was changed to due to legal reasons after his death.
Hopefully, this write up doesn’t spoil my invite to their studio in LA, but I have to tell you a few of the movies they’re working on. Let’s start with Thor, which they’ve already started working on. Of course, I mentioned Mjǫllnir and he just smiled.
He also mentioned that Legacy Effects is about to start working on Captain America. I can’t wait to see the shield concept they use and his suit. The other title he mentioned was Lobo for which my ears perked up a little bit more with all the news about it lately.
He went on to say they’ve been doing some concepts for Lobo on some of the body casts they have laying around. I asked who he thought would fit better for Lobo a star or someone who has the size and can act.
As they have done muscle suits in the past he believed someone with the right size would better suit the character. So, I brought up the name of James Preston Rogers and while he hasn’t done much yet the gent from Legacy Effects knew him from his role in Outlander.
I then showed him the mock up I’d done of James as Lobo and he thought it was pretty awesome and agreed someone with James’ size would be perfect.
Hopefully, when I’m down in LA for the first time I’ll be able to visit their studio and see the incredible work they do.