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ThisGuy Reviews: Metal Gears Solid 4

Disclaimer: Eye Crave Network takes no responsibility for the quality, content or opinions contained within this article. The opinions and misguided notions contained are those of the author and do not represent anyone but “THIS GUY”…

ThisGuyI was really excited to play MGS4 I have been a fan of the series since the first MGS for PSX. I mean come on all the hype and commercials for this little beauty it looked purdy! Like a flagship game should look. So I get home with my shiny new copy and ready to hunt me some Vamp pop the disk in and BAM! … installing…………..

Now, They say it’s an eight minute install but I’m not going to lie here, it was the longest eight minuets of my freakin life! After watching Snake smoke a cig or two I decided it was about time for me to do so also. When I returned from my delicious nicotine stick (remember boys and girls not only does Snake say smoking is bad so does a surgeon general) I noticed that he was still smoking away… installing…. Eight minuets they say…. I would like to know what clock they run on.

At least the installing was over OH! But wait after every act there is more of that old, but still striking man Snake smoking his cigarettes while the game installs further. After snake was done his horrible (but fantastic) habit I got my first taste of the game… Cut scene and credits… Fair enough all games need an intro (Let me shoot something!!!!) Then it happens I get to control Mr. Snake I swear I heard angelic music coming from the heavens all that build up to this very second… to move him under a truck…. Sweet. Cut scene 2. Play for another 2 minuets then cut scene 3.

Ok we all know the MGS series has a lot of cut scene but when I buy a game I would like to actually play it. Again I do like this game right up to the point where it flash’s back to the PSX version of MGS one in all its blocky jagged form. Yes I did say at the top I have been a fan of the series since that point, BUT THAT WAS TEN, YES TEN years ago. I have one of the most powerful pieces of hardware on the planet running a 32 bit craptastic looking (that’s right I said it) port of a ten year old game. They at least could have used the port from the Game Cube version but hey, what do I know.

The sound in this game is amazing and the visuals are great but the way gaming is now this is not hard to do. The game all in all is more of a movie/game blend but put together very well giving the player the option to either sneak it up Snake style or run and gun. Anyone that has read anything about this game has read about the install times and the length of the cut scenes. The reason I am writing this article is that although I am sure this title has moved a few PS3 systems I do not think its game of the year material (fan boys start screaming).

The game play itself has nothing really new (except a extremely cool camo suit). We have all shot different guns and chose to knockout baddies instead of killing them (well I’m sure some people do) doing both silently or as loud as one would choose. This game is polished and the story and boss fights were fun the voice acting as in all other MGS games is top notch but even so this does not make it game of the year. This is a great game but not top of the pile good.

Installing………….cut scene……..cut scene…. Cut scene…. Install… pla…. Cut scene … installing…… credits.

Effin sweet.

Disclaimer: Eye Crave Network takes no responsibility for the quality, content or opinions contained within this article. The opinions and misguided notions contained are those of the author and do not represent anyone but “THIS GUY”…

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