There are a lot of cliches in film and they’re all fine within their own world, however some are very problematic. One of the most problematic issues that movies do is that it takes too long to build and the final act of the film becomes absolute madness and delivers what the audience was waiting for the entire film. Post Mortem falls into the category unfortunately, giving a totally insane thrilling third act, that redeems the molasses pace of the first 90 minutes or so.
Directed by Peter Pergendy and written by Piros Zankay, Post Mortem takes place after world war 1, and focuses on Tomas played by Viktor Klem and Anna played by Fruzsina Hais. Tomas is a post mortem photographer for loved ones to get after their family members have passed. Things start to get a little disturbing and possessed as ghosts and creatures start to appear to Tomas and Anna. While things take a turn for the worst and the possession and attacks start increasing, the town finally starts to notice the after world activities that is going on in their small little town.
The issues with Post Mortem are that it focuses too heavily on ghosts and the supernatural through disposition and storytelling and not actual possessions and ghostly revelations. The third act of the film, most importantly the final 30 minutes or so, truly packs a punch and delivers what the audience was looking for. Ghosts start to come to the forefront, bringing more action and scares up front packing the goods that the audience wanted to experience.
Thankfully the teaming of Viktor Klem and Fruzsina Hais brings some much needed chemistry to this story for the film. They can play off one another and bring to life a father and daughter esque relationship that brings something tangible to the forefront. While the chaos did not play out until the end, their chemistry and performances certainly bring enough energy to keep audiences engaged until the payoff. Post Mortem delivers action, thrills, it just delivers the goods a little too late.