Last night saw the official world premiere of JJ Abrams new Star Trek film in Sydney, Australia. However, unbeknownst to Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike who were attending a screening of The Wrath of Khan at Alamo Drafthouse that they were in for a special treat.
Writers from Film School Rejects were there expecting to see Kirk take on Khan, but when the film reel “apparently” melted and left theatre goers bewildered. Until a flash of light on the stage was seen and Leonard Nimoy materialized out of thin air with a stunning announcement.
Spock himself announced that Austin, Texas was going to be the site of the (non-official) world premiere of Star Trek.
With approval from the studio FSR went ahead with a couple of reviews. One from Star Trek fan, and the other who had his Trek cherry popped last night. Both reviews are good, but Cole Abaius, former Trek virgin, is unbiased and has a lot of positive things to say about the film including this little bit:
First of all, this is a fantastic movie. It’s pacing is rapid-fire, the action is larger-than-life and raises blood pressure with ease, and the characters come to life in a very cool way. Overall, it’s an exciting flick that is shot beautifully – featuring a cast that carries all the weight necessarily to create some enduring figures to root for. A near-perfect Summer tentpole blockbuster.
Now, back to Sydney where has some videos of the cast and crew answering Twittered fan questions. You check that out here.
Hype for this movie is huge and with positive reviews starting to roll in I only have one question to ask – Is it May 8th yet?