I have a trio of interesting news stories today. Where else could you find The Simpsons, Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds? Read ahead for info on possible Wolverine and Simpsons sequels and a Presidential Motorcade.
Alright first up, while talking with Variety, Simpsons creator Matt Groening said the following concerning a potential sequel to the lackluster Simpsons Movie –
“It took 18 years to get around to doing the movie,” Groening said. “We got very frustrated. We thought it would take two years but it ended up taking four. Some day maybe we’ll do another one — but don’t hold your breath.”
I guess if that saves us from more big boobed eskimo women, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Also, Hugh Jackman was recently interviewed by Katie Couric over at CBS and confessed that he loves doing Wolverine movies since the character has such a rich back-story. Apparently a sequel to the Origins movie from earlier this year is in the works that will revolve around Wolverine in Japan.
Finally, Variety reports that DreamWorks has given the go ahead to the movie Motorcade, in which an ex secret service agent is in the right place at the right time to deal with the kidnapping of the President of the United States. Hollywood liberties aside, I find that odd since he’s surrounded by like 500 agents at any one time, probably has an implant in his tooth that tracks his whereabouts and has one of the most famous faces in the world. Either way, look for another Canadian to save the day if Reynolds signs on the dotted line.
The studio hopes to get the picture into production by late summer or early fall 2010, and DreamWorks is eyeing Ryan Reynolds to play the disgraced Secret Service agent who happens to be in the wrong place at the right time when the U.S. president is kidnapped in New York.