Lou and I just stepped out of the 3D footage viewing of Tron Legacy and I gotta say that it blew my mind. It looked simply incredible. Full thoughts will be posted tonight as I’m tossing this up via iPhone. However, Bruce Boxleitner was on hand and dropped something about the original Tron film.
Bruce said that Steven Lisberger is working on polishing up the Tron Blu-ray (rumored to be dropping in November). He will be adding back in 20-minutes of never before seen footage. The reason why it was cut was due to theatre rules.
Anyhow, more thoughts when I’m at a PC.
Posted from my iPhone.
Now that I’m sitting at a PC here are my full thoughts. Things kicked off with a preview of the upcoming Tron: Evolution that Propaganda Games is developing. Design Director Chris Whiteside took to the stage (the very same stage where Canadian Idol is filmed) to walk us through some of the game play. He was also adamant to ensure we knew that this is not a movie game. It’s game that will bridge the gap between 1982 and 2010. I was also to play it at the Tron Legacy booth and it looks like it’s going to fun game to play. Plus, just this passed Thursday they figured out how to do 90-degree turns with the light cycles. Yup, 90-degrees.
Then the hosts from Space TV’s Ajay Fry & Teddy Wilson brought out Bruce Boxleitner (Alan Bradley) to answer a few q’s about the film. The actor remained tight lipped about the film, as he was afraid Disney would take him out right on stage.
We were then treated to the trailer in 3D followed by 7 AWESOME minutes of 3D footage. All I have to say is damn, I cannot wait to see this movie in theatres. Bruce personally asked that we see it at least 4x each opening weekend. I won’t got into detail as to what the footage contained, but the 3D world of Tron is going to blow your mind.
I wish I could say more, but I really don’t want to spoil a single thing for anyone who is looking forward to this film as much as I am.
Lou’s thoughts:
Like Shane I was really impressed with the footage that was shown. The 3D was great, even though I am not totally sold on its use in general, and was used strictly to add depth to the images. The footage we saw showed us more of the world of Tron. As expected the visuals for the computer world of Tron have been amped up considerably in comparison to the original. There is a very dark and ominous mood to the virtual world. One is left with the impression that things have not gone well since the first Tron. The amount of detail is eye mesmerizing.
Bruce Boxleitner’s Q&A appearance was very enjoyable. You could tell he understands the value of fandom followings having been in the original and starred in several TV genre favorites such as Babylon 5 and The Scarecrow and Mrs. King. He remarked how wonderful it was to be able to sit down with actor Garrett Hedlund, who plays Sam, the son of Kevin Flynn(Jeff Bridges)from the original. Bruce was honoured to pass the torch of the Tron legacy to Garrett for the Tron Legacy film.
The presentation definitely succeeded as far as I am concerned. I am even more stoked now to see this sequel, 27 years later!, to the original Tron.
Remember – Flynn Lives!
Tron Legacy is coming to a theatre near you December 17th, 2010. Be there, or… be there.