Mentioned about a month ago in the forums by yours truly, we now have a few small details to give about some new Star Wars related releases, including Star Wars Animated Adventures: Droids, Star Wars Animated Adventures: Ewoks and the live action Ewok Adventures.For info, stay on target and blast the link to continue…**UPDATE – Some Coverart and more details added** Coming on November 23rd, LucasFilm through Fox Home Entertainment will send Star Wars Animated Adventures: Droids and Star Wars Animated Adventures: Ewoks to stores for about $14.98 each. Also it seems that the available shows will be select episodes only and not the complete sets. More information will be added as it comes in.Also available on the 23rd for $14.98 will be the live action Ewok Adventures – Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor.Told you they were small details.I’m afraid thats the end of what we know, but the details will be updated as soon as they become available.