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Return of the Joe Bob…

JOE BOB RETURNS!!!Rogue, brigand, man-about-town and Drive-In movie critic Joe Bob Briggs will return to brighten our New Year with a new title in the Elite Entertainment line – JOE BOB BRIGGS PRESENTS…After a stellar debut with JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN’S DAUGHTER, get ready for big bouncy fun with THE DOUBLE-D AVENGER!!!Read on for all the dirty details…I said READ ON!!! Elite Entertainment has just announced that the second title in the JOE BOB BRIGGS PRESENTS series will hit shelves in the first quarter of 2004.Joe Bob Briggs, Drive-In movie critic of Grapevine, Texas, and author of such titles as JOE BOB GOES TO THE DRIVE-IN, JOE BOB GOES BACK TO THE DRIVE-IN and most recently, PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING: SHOCKING MOVIES THAT CHANGED HISTORY. His syndicated review column and long-running cable TV series, along with his abiding love for all manner of B-movie magnificence, has made him a leading expert in the field of Drive-In Movieology.Following a hilarious and informative commentary for Elite Entertainment’s I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE: MILLENIUM EDITION, Joe Bob struck out with his own series of Drive-In classics. The inaugural entry, JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEINS DAUGHTER was released earlier this year and can be found reviewed on this very site.The newest selection for Joe Bob’s canon of classics is the relatively recent THE DOUBLE-D AVENGER, which sees the return of Russ Meyer starlets Kitten Natividdad, Raven De La Croix and the incomparable Haji. Natividad plays Chastity Knott, who spends her nights fighting crime as top-heavy heroine the Double-D Avenger. DDA finds her hands more than full when she comes up against evil Bikini Bar magnate Al Purplewood and his cadre of equally busty stripper/assassins. With characters and names like Hydra Heffer, Pirate Juggs, Ooga Boobies and Adolfina Hitbrakes, look for this to be a tongue-in-cheek good time reminiscent of classic fare like SUPERVIXEN and FASTER *censored*CAT, KILL KILL.Along with the sure-to-entertain commentary from Joe Bob hisself and the rampaging beauties, look for trailers, still photos and a previously unreleased “Making-Of” documentary.That’s good good stuff! Joe Bob says “Check it out”!Visit the official site for THE DOUBLE D AVENGER here Visit Joe Bob on the web at

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