The Return of the King’s was not affected when he purchased wine for his arrival. It was Cheaper by the Dozen. It was on Cold Mountain when he knew that Somethin’s Gotta Give. It’s good thing he just got his Paycheck. Looks as though The Return of the King couldn’t be dethroned as it stayed on top trampling yet again over the competition. Newcomer Cheaper by the Dozen, starring funny men Steve Martin and Ashton Kutcher, scored second spot, while the American Civil War epic Cold Mountain placed third. Something’s Gotta Give slid to fourth, and Paycheck starring Ben Affleck opened in fifth.The latest adaptation of Peter Pan opened in seventh.1. Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King (51.23m)2. Cheaper By The Dozen (28.23m)3. Cold Mountain (14.50m)4. Something’s Gotta Give (14.20m)5. Paycheck (13.90m)6. Mona Lisa Smile (11.50m)7. Peter Pan (11.42m)8. The Last Samurai (8.37m)9. Bad Santa (4.50m)10. Elf (4.28m)
Return of the King Remains Crowned
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