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The Future is Now?

Well Holy Crap!Optware Corp in Japan has developed an optical disc about the same size as a standard DVD or CD that can hold, get this – ONE TERABYTE using HOLOGRAPHIC technology. Yes, you read that right – Thats a spicy meatball!!For pics and an explaination of what may be possible read on… The wonder disc will be called HVD or Holographic Versatile Disc (of course) and be able to both read and record data or video.The company chose to demonstrate playback using several movies during board meetings to wow investors. I imagine they were wowed!The disc is not close to coming to market yet but the implications for data storage is tremendous. With Blue Ray Disc and HD-DVD upcoming with capactities that reach 50 gigabytes, this new holographic disc could dwarf the capactity of either format. Movie uses for such a large capactity could include the new process called 4K that scans over 4000 lines of video information from film (or about what your eye can perceive) and stores the movie with beyond DVD-like interactive features for a home video market.Or, imagine what kind of visuals and experiences a home videogame console might take advantage of using a holographic disc that holds a terabyte of info. The possibilities are near endless. For more information, diagrams and photo’s see Optware’s website. We’ll be sure to keep everyone informed as this technology might develop as well as big news on the Blue-Ray Disc and HD-DVD fronts.

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