I’M HYPED UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!!So I’m making my list, I have officially checked it twice and I am ready to let it all hang out in the name of the Holiday spirit…So as is tradition here at ECDVD for the season of Festivus, I annonce the coming of the lists with my own TOP TEN XMAS CLASSICS list. Others will add on… You can even add on yourself by visiting the forums.Enjoy, and let us all rejoice in this season of sharing, giving and peace among humankind. Keep in mind, these are merely my own favorite Holiday treats, and like Clodhoppers or Bluegrass Christmas albums, may not be to everyones taste.On with the listage!!1) It may be cliche, but IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE was, is and always shall be the be-all, end-all of Christmas movies!2) NATIONAL LAMPOON’S CHRISTMAS VACATION – That’s the gift that just keeps on givin’ the whole year through…3) A CHRISTMAS STORY – SONSABIDSAH!!! BUMPASAH!!!4) SCROOGED – Because we all have those hallucinations brought on by Rssian vodka taonted by Chernobyll…5) A MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL – Micheal Caine is the most believable Scrooge ever, and Gonzo makes a wicked funny Charles Dickens!6) MIRACLE ON 34th STREET – The original. No cheesy Dylan McDermot rehashes here please! Natalie Wood and the real Kris Kringle.7) A CHRISTMAS CAROL – Alistair Sims is the epitome of evil, resced from the brink of everlasting damnation by some truly ghostly messengers. Still creeps the hell out of me!8) RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER – Because Bumbles the Abominababubble Snowman and Yukon Cornelius are the baddest dudes on Santa’s block, bar none!9) THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS – The cartoon… the one with the voice… the voice of Boris Karloff… the one that every child should know off by heart…And last, but not least…My token B-cheese craptasti-fest selection…10) SANTA CLAUSE CONQUERS THE MARTIANS because even pigtailed green-faced Martian girls need Santa.Now, I say unto thee… Go forth into the forums, and add your own listage and let us all rejoice in the magic of the season.And from myself and EYECRAVEDVD…HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! and a MERRY FESTIVUS from the rest-of-us!!!
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