We’ve got the goods on…FINDING NEMOCHITTY CHITTY BANG BANGSCARFACE: ANNIVERSARY EDITIONX2 and THE HULKGet it on… Disney has finall released the goods on it’s upcoming FINDING NEMO 2-discer…The set will include both FUllscreen and Anamorphic Widescreen transfers with 5.1 Audio, and more extras than you could shake a fish at. The original Pixar short KNICK NKACK, “Visual” commentary, deleted scenes, recording session footage, character interviews, design galleries, still galleries, MAKING NEMO documentary, behind-the-scenes tour of Pixar studios, EXPLORING THE REEF documentary with Jean Michel Cousteau, MR. RAY’S ENCYCLOPEDIA, a virtual aquarium, more galleries, games, trailers, a trivia game, a sneak peek at THE INCREDIBLES and much more…MGM has a 2-disc Special Edition of the beloved family classic CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG set for November 25. The 35th Anniversary Edition will feature a new remastered Anamorphic Widescreen transfer, remastered audio, interviews, sing-along songs, read-along items, coloring pages, music demos, multiple games, a new documentary featuring Dick Van Dyke and a 32-page collectible booklet.
All of you Superhero fans discontent with only DAREDEVIL gracing your shelves can expect to see a couple more titles up there in the near future…Universal has tentatively scheduled Ang Lee’s superior take on THE HULK for October 28, while Fox has X2: X-MEN UNITED ready for a September 12 release. No details yet, but keep that eye open…(Word also has it that Fox is already hard at work on a single-disc DVD releas of the much-ballyhooed 28 DAYS LATER… stay tuned for more)Universal also has SCARFACE: 20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION ready to hit shelves on September 30. The set will include remastered Anamorphic Widescreen and 5.1 DDS and DTS sound, at least three featurettes, an examination of the TV version, the little-seen alternate ending, interviews with DefJam rappers on how the film “inspired” them, and much more. The set will be available in both a regular 2-disc set and a “Gift Set” featuring a swank box and the similarly named 1932 Paul Muni film.
Who want DVD NEWS??? I Do! I Do!
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