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New York CC: Wanted

We were treated to a trailer for the upcoming film version of Wanted . Let me preface this with something my friend said to me before the panel “There’s no way Wanted could be turned into a movie and turn out good, it’s just not possible.” Well, it’s safe to say he was (delete expletive) wrong! Read on to find out how awesome it was!

I might as well just jump straight into the jaw-dropping clip; it starts with our protag James McAvoy (Wesley) in a CVS type store, picking up his prescriptions. He sees a dark looking man eyeing him down. Next thing you know Angelina Jolie (Fox) is right next to him. She informs him that his dad was killed on a rooftop, and that the man who killed him is right there.

Start awesome freaking gun fight!

We see a bit of rigamarole – shooting with potato chips and other snack foods flying every which way! – The climax has the unnamed assassin walking past a propane tank as Fox hits the tank and blows it up in his face.

Start car chase scene.

Wesley is running through the parking lot, and now the gunman is coming at him in a delivery truck. This spells ‘bad news bears’ if you’re just a nerdy accountant (or so he thinks). Fox comes screaming down the parking lot in a bright red Viper, she flips the door open and snatches Wesley seconds before the crazed gunmen would have offed him, this sequence is seen in the trailer, but the sliding viper/Wesley pickup is slowed down quite a bit in the trailer (which we also saw later in the panel).

Now the car is careening down a busy city street, with the gunman following in a pet food delivery truck. At one point Fox shoots the window of the Viper out and crawls on her back out onto the hood. She starts to pull guns out of, what seems like, mid-air and shoot at the crazy assassin. She then looks forward (while steering with her foot, mind you she’s not looking ahead) and sees a city bus about to take her purdy lil head off! She quickly turns the steering wheel (with her stiletto) and barely misses a seemingly inevitable decapitation. Unfazed, her stalker shoots two bullets around the bus (can you say foreshadowing?) and into the tires of the viper. Sparks are flying everywhere, Fox climbs back into the driver seat just in time to see a police blockade that is too close to try and avoid. She quickly whips the wheel and turns the now crippled car sidewise. It the up-ends and “does a barrel roll” over the brigade and into the side of a bus. The viper then turns the bus on its side, making the car upright. And in the words of the lady sitting behind me “Holy Fu%#ing $&it!” and the audience went WILD!

We then were treated to a second clip (yes, there was more!) which takes place right after the first. Wesley wakes up in the lair of his captors/saviors. He tries to flee but every exit is blocked. Enter Sloan, who tells Wesley to shoot the wings off of the flies or be shot. Wesley thinks he is having a panic attack when in reality it’s his super-human ability. Four or so shots later and we see a close up of wingless flies. Wesley comments, “That’s not possible” to which Sloan replies “It is for you!” We then see a montage of him training to shoot around objects, I won’t get too deep into that since it has already been played and re-played many times over.

The Q&A was opened up, but there weren’t a whole lot of good questions for the panel, which was disappointing.

What did I think of the clip? Does me turning to my, now humbled, Wanted fan/friend and saying “see!” as he picks his jaw up off the floor a good description of what I and the audience thought of the clip? Was it ‘unrealistic’ in the strict sense of the word? Yes, there’s no way you could shoot wings off of a fly! Everything else? Totally. Possibly. Seriously. Have you ever ridden in a car with me? Then who are you to judge!

Stay tuned to ECDVD for updates folks!




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