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Legacy Features

 TwittaFlicks 229 - Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) - Samurai-inspired revenge epic gets spaghetti-flavored and David Carradine owns the screen RIP…
   TwittaFlicks 280 - Memento (2000) - C. Nolan's twisty mindf*** tale of a man with no memory. Modern Noir at it's best.…
 TwittaFlicks 424 - La Strada (1954) - Fellini's tale of wasted love and madness is highlighted by Giulietta Masina's touching performance…
TwittaFlicks 132 - Double Indemnity (1944) - The definition of "Film Noir". Never has a badder, sexier dame worked a more niave dupe.…
I thought it would be appropriate after getting married last weekend to watch a movie that makes me thankful to have found the right guy for me.  He’s just not that into you seemed to fit the bill per…
Tonight’s movie and food pairing will feature I Am Legend pairing it with a Champagne wine.  Champagne is a region in France that only produces sparkling wine made of Pinot Noir, Pinot Mieuner and Cha…
Disclaimer: Eye Crave Network takes no responsibility for the quality, content or opinions contained within this article. The opinions and misguided notions contained are those of the author and do no…
TwittaFlicks #160 - Fitzcarraldo (1982) - Herzog and Kinski return to the Peruvian jungle for a tale of pure madness. And both men fit the bill.…
Twittaflicks #210 - In Bruges (2008) - Martin McDonagh's lovely little fookin' picture of two hitmen on a 'holiday' of inconvenience is magic.…
As an upcoming Bride I felt it 100% necessary to watch Bride Wars.  I do love both our leading ladies Kate Hudson (who plays Liv) and Anne Hathaway (who plays Emma) and think they did an amazing job o…

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