Well I got a whale of a tale to tell ya, since Hollywood seems hellbent to keep cannibalizing it’s greatest titles, add Disney’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under The Sea‘ to that list and add an unlikely name into the mix to play the legendary badass Captain Nemo. Do you smell what the fish is cooking?
According to Production Weekly, Walt Disney is remaking Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which was it’s first feature length live action cinemascope production starring Kirk Douglas and the great James Mason back in 1954 and the electricfying, pie eating, smackdown hotel, eyebrow beating jabroni himself, Dwane ‘The Rock’ Johnson is playing Captain Nemo? The genius who invented nuclear power and channeled all his knowledge into a nuclear powered submarine called the Nautilus? McG will be directing the film after he wraps up Terminator Salvation.
Update – While speaking with SciFi Wire said the following: “I don’t know where that came from. I’ve never spoken to Dwayne Johnson. You can be the first to report that I have no idea where that came from.”