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A Pair of Cartoons and Five Aces

Axel H has turned a few more reviews for your reading pleasure. This week he turns in a review for a pair of cartoons. The Fox title Waking Life and the cartoon meets real life The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. He’s also taken a look at the Fox release Five Aces starring Charles Sheen. Waking LifeAn interesting experiment and a visual triumph, but little in the way of plot, story or coherent purpose. Much like…” – Axel H. The Adventures of Rocky and BullwinkleA fun take on the Rocky and Bullwinkle mythos, but the movie plays a little too slapstick. The packaging of this film is…” – Axel H. Five AcesAs I mentioned, this film reminds me more than a little of BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, but also such 90’s indies as…” – Axel H.

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