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King Arthur comes home…

Touchstone Pictures have kindly sent over some info concerning the pending release of the Jerry Bruckheimer produced King Arthur directed by the very cool sounding Antoine Fuqua.For the full details, pull up a chair to the round table… Coming on December 21st for $29.99, the movie that stars the heavenly Keira Knightley and the 007ish Clive Owen, received a luke-warm reception in theaters but will come to DVD in several different editions.First there will be the theatrical PG-13 cut of the movie available separately in 2.35:1 Animorphic Letterbox and 4:3 Pan and Scan and second, an Unrated Director’s Cut of the movie which will be available in letterbox only. Besides the different cuts, the DVD releases will essientially be the same.Included will be:

  • Dolby Digital 5.1
  • Audio Commentary by Antoine Fuqua
  • Deleted Scenes with Commentary
  • Blood On The Land: Forging King Arthur featurette
  • Alternate Ending with Commentary
  • Knight Vision trivia
  • Round Table Video Commentary
  • X-Box game demo
  • Jerry Bruckheimer’s personal photos

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