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Meaning of Life Replacements Mucked Up!

According to the digitalbits Universal has been shipping out bad copies of the replacement DVDs they reissued after a bad batch from the initial release.Universal Studios Home Video has sent an e-mail in regards to the screw up and will be sending another batch of discs. Read on for the e-mail.

“Re: “Monty Python’s: The Meaning of Life” DVD ReplacementPlease disregard the replacement version 2 disk for “Monty Python’s: The Meaning of Life” you recently received. A new updated version will be sent to you shortly. For further information please email or call toll-free: universalstudios& 888-304-0608Sincerely,Universal Studios Home VideoConsumer Relations Department”

At least their trying to rectify the situation. Hopefully this doesn’t happen to us die hard fans again.

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