In my review for Fear Street Part 1: 1994 I admitted I am not a huge horror fan. However, I did really enjoy the 90s slasher feel it brought to the table. Just before the credits rolled a sneak peak played for Fear Street Part 2: 1978 which pumped me up for the sequel and… I was right to be.
Fear Street Part 2: 1978 successfully captured that late 70s vibe and has an even better soundtrack than the first movie. My grandparents owned a cottage in a small community, and watching this movie brought me back to those times. Albeit, I did not have a witch curse spawning random killers in the area. We did have to worry about rattlesnakes though, and I am getting off track…
While still chalked full of brutal kills and jump scares the sequel is just more fun. If the first one was an ode Scream this is more Sleepaway Camp meets Friday the 13th meets the Addams Family Value camp. One of the first horror movies I watched as a kid was Sleepaway Camp while having a tent sleepover at my older cousins’ place. They put on a movie that made it hard to sleep. While I am older, maybe wiser, these movies do not quite have the scare they did when I was 10 or 12, but I was instantly reminded of it once things started picking up in Fear Street 1978. This is a love letter to those camp slasher movies, yet it stands on its own.
Just like any slasher movie you sometimes want to slap a few of the characters, and you root for others. Emily Rudd’s Cindy starts out as a “want to slap character”, but her development throughout the ordeal changed my mind. The standout is Sadie Sink as Ziggy. Of course, that should be no surprise with her performances in Stranger Things.
Leigh Janiak has directed another great movie. It’s the perfect follow-up to Fear Street 1994 and now I’m stuck waiting one more week to finish this series in good ol’ 1666. The end is in sight. Hold tight.