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Let the Wrong One In – Fantastic Fest Review

What happens when you discover that your brother is a vampire? What is your moral obligation to your family at that point, do you save your brother and help him safely quench his thirst or do you slay him to protect society? Let The Wrong One In is the right amount of vampire, comedy, and absolute over the top gore that brings together this hilarious film to a tightly packed film.

The film focuses on Matt played by Karl Rice and his vampire brother Deco played by Eoin Duffy, as Deco returns home after always moving around and playing life by the seed of his pants, that is until he’s bitten and needs a safe place to stay. Matt doesn’t know what to do as he thinks his brother is just sick at first, so he calls a doctor in for a house call, however Henry played by Anthony Head who is a cab driver by day, and vampire hunter at night replace the doctor to try and take out the threat.

What makes Let the Wrong One In so enjoyable are the performances from the three main cast members. Karl Rice playing the brother who does not know what to do at all, whether that is to save his brother or take him out himself is a tense question he keeps having to ask himself. Eoin Duffy plays the numbskull brother to a tee and once he becomes a vampire his comedic relief cranks it all the way to eleven and delivers just absolute madness. Anthony Head who spent a near decade training televisions most badass vampire slayer, has learned some tricks of the trade and delivers his signature brilliance throughout the film.

Everything in Let the Wrong One In works because of the pace of the film, the performances, and the over-the-top gore and comedy all come together to create an action packed fun film. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the bloody fantastic film that is Let the Wrong One In.

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Let the Wrong One In – Fantastic Fest Review


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My earliest movie memory, outside of my home theatre in my basement, was going to the local Video 99 and wanting to rent ET only to be told by the shop owner it was playing down the street in theatres. My love for cinema has been alive for as long as I can honestly remember. I would frequent the cinema minutes down from my house daily. It was a second home. Movies are an escape from the everyday world, a window into the soul, a distant friend. If I’m not watching a movie, I’m probably watching a tv show, if I’m doing neither I’m asleep.

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